Sunday, September 30, 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

Born to be Mild

"We formed the Dull Men's Club a while back. We got tired of reading and hearing so much about people always trying to get a fancier car, a bigger house, travel to more exotic places and come home and tell everybody. They'd go to Las Vegas and come back and say "Hey, I heard Neil Diamond!" Big deal. The Dull Men's Club is a place in cyberspace where dull men can hang out... It's a sanctuary for them, a place they can hide out, get away from the glitz and glam, the hurly burly, all the noise of modern life, the pressure to keep up with the Jones's. I don't know who the Jones's are anyway, do you? 
We regard ourselves as dull but not boring."

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Shadows on the Wall

And who are all these people on billboards? I have never seen that person employed at that car wash or gas station. The truth is I never will because those people never were - existed, I mean. Somewhere along the line, corporations realized it was cheaper to use amalgamation models created on computers than to hire a real person, and coach them into expressing real joy at the prospect of free vacuums or 48 oz coffees for a dollar.

- Shadows on the Wall: Notes from the Bathroom

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Pick a Side

I was driving today and, at a stoplight, a lady carrying a sign that read "down on my luck" was walking down the columns of cars. It was a hot day and I never have snacks or water bottles on me because I only think about buying them when I'm stopped at a place that has a panhandler.

The point is that I felt like I had an out-of-body experience, where I was looking at myself sitting in the car, and I realized I look like an adult driving home after a day of work. I don't feel like an adult. My chest then had this pain that felt like the emotional version of being physically torn apart, a feeling of being internally conflicted. It was a panicked sadness and I heard a voice in my head that said "pick a side." There are youthful adults and mature children, so I really don't even know what the voice meant.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Citizen or Traveler

Every time I move I feel I'm growing and learning. I don't have a set amount of time I stay in each place, but I do recognize when it's time to transition. The American Dream of settling and a house with a garden or fire pit and the comfortable furniture and large TV comes strongly from time to time, and then I become nervous. Decisions of potential permanence have more behind them than they first appear; you are choosing the sort of people and businesses and laws you will interact with in daily life. Once again, what seems to be freedom is a slavery of choices and second-thoughts.

Sometimes I feel like I'm really close to understanding something, or understanding more about something about life. But I'm not sure I can or should put it in words, because if I put it in words it might come out as a cliche, a regurgitation of something I read or heard, a simplification.