Sunday, August 1, 2010

Science and Philosophy

Lazy day. I'm not sure where the weekend has gone, but it's not here anymore. I think I'm going to see Jonathan tonight, but I don't know exactly what we'll do.

Interesting NPR article I read today spoke of teleportation. There's some idea called quantum entanglement which involves the vibrations atoms do, and if you separate two atoms and move them some distance from each other, there's a sort of cord connecting them so if one is affected it happens to the other.

So they say something could be moved a great distance by taking a set of atoms and forcing them upon another set a distance away. However, science becomes philosophy when you consider moving living things. Apparently, to move a set of atoms across the way, the original atoms must be "destroyed." This means, for Texas me to go to Colorado instantly, Texas me will be destroyed. Colorado me will be me in terms of behavior and memory and physical looks, but will it really be me, or a clone, or what? Remember the original no longer exists.

Very interesting stuff; reminds me of Body Snatchers.


  1. AH! I was talking with someone about that a few days ago! CRAZYYY! It's just like the Prestige.

  2. I would hate to be on the original end of things.

  3. I knowww. Do you think you'd slowly become less of yourself?

  4. I don't think I would know the difference.
