Saturday, July 31, 2010


Currently listening to:

Took a math test today, then prepared for
the bed picnic. I wasn't sure if I would follow through with it since it's something new to me. In the end, preparations were underway and the "grounds" were set up and the guests arrived.

I had trouble getting into it, so I cheated and had a couple shots to sort of sense the things they might say. And we spoke of many things like books and philosophy and love; conversation really bounced around with these guys. Maybe someday it will come more naturally, second nature. Good practice, though.

I'll throw on a few pictures and put the rest on Facebook-

I think I need real friends to do this with; friends with eyes. I'm not sure if their eyes are creepier as black holes or as realistic eyes. At the least they could have those shiny button eyes...
Then I went to Eatzi's with my parents before seeing Jonathan's play, The Umbrella Play by P Seth Bauer. It was a very good play about human relationships and how rain can bring people closer and loosen the walls we all have around us. I'm thinking of getting a copy, but I heard a lot of the magic in the play was director/actor character decision, so I guess once it's over it's lost except in memory.

I'm not sure how I feel about actors. I used to not trust them as much because I wasn't sure if they were being honest with who they are toward me. I suppose I still don't trust them to some degree, but I think I respect them more than I used to. They are sort of like little romanticists, always trading faces. I wonder if it's to find the face they really like and then they will be that character the rest of their lives. I really get wrapped up in plays; maybe I just like living vicariously through the actors.

After the show I did the awkward brief conversations I have with people I used to know in high school. Kayla and I had one of those extremely long hugs from back in those days; like five to ten minute hugs. Apparently we started swaying to the leaving music which must have looked pretty funny. She said she got a new phone but thinks she added my number, and that we and maybe Jonathan should have another summer get together like we did last summer. It really made my night.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dawn to Dusk

Today for work we went out to this big event where many groups came together to maintain this community center. I'm not sure which neighborhood it is, the zip code is 75212.
I got pizza for lunch and lots of gatorade. My fellow interns were amazed that I was eating pizza and teased me about high fructose corn syrup and all that jazz. Silly kids. Then my ring sent a piece of metal into the base of my finger while I was shoveling, so I moseyed around for a while.

Here is me at home after the event:

Theeeen, I went to the doctor and found out I won't need a shot for the next eight years, probably. Yes! After that I went for a haircut; a little late given that the summer season is winding down, but whatever. It will last through the Fall semester.

Leaving conversation:
Old lady: You look great!
Me: Thanks! You're not half bad yourself!
(at the register, OL walks up)
OL: Lookin' good, you're a changed man!
Me: Quick, somebody give me a job!

I say that every time I clean myself up slightly.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

To My Future Self

Currently listening to:
There is a Light That Never Goes Out
The Smiths

"Take me out tonight
oh take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
driving in your car
I never never want to go home
because I haven't got one
no, I haven't got one"

Me? I'm nothing special. Just a spoiled kid (not a brat, though).

I think I'm a nice person, not the old LiveJournal self. I haven't really had bad dreams since that time, just dreams of longing.

Smells I don't like: gasoline and cut grass. They just won't leave my nose! And my beard smells funny to me after I eat pizza.

I've basically made the transition to being vegetarian, except in rare occasions where seafood is what there is. The people I heckle about food usually end up looking more at the ingredients of their food. I still sort of have a fear of food shortages, but I don't stockpile like I used to.

I wonder how it would feel to omit boxers from my wardrobe. I might try it for a day to see how it feels but I think I may need their added thickness to help keep my pants up. Maybe. I've also lost interest in sleeping in pajamas.

When I'm walking alone, wherever, I like to pretend I'm a wild animal. I have to be vary aware and careful of my surroundings. As the sun sets, I look up and feel remorse at losing the warmth of day.

I have an adult body. It's weird looking at it in its natural nudity.
I think I'll do more of these every so often.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"I've got to get out of here"

That's what I think every time I'm in math class around break.

As a night class, I think it puts me in a peculiar position where I learn at a faster rate because I hope to get out early. Of course, everyone else needs many examples (and I admit some are useful variations for me), but it makes me stuck. I wish it could get out earlier; the extra time bothers me, but the X building does more so: it smells like a mix of hospitals and cheap motels.

I suppose if I don't have anywhere better to be (AKA, have little hope of something happening that night), I'll stay in class. It keeps me off the streets.
At work the river cooter had some intestine looking thing hanging out its rear, so we all packed up and went to the vet. I pet a friendly cat which looked like a smokey mountain during a fading sunset while the vet assistant said our turtle's penis had extended and couldn't return to the sheath. Not sure what will happen with that turtle, or that cat.

We went to the Dogwood Canyon which is going to be the newest Audubon center in the area. I was digging up privet when the shovel popped up and cast the handle into my groin. It didn't hurt until I got home, and now I'm sore and my poison ivy itches. At least my kayaking wounds are healing.

For lunch we all went to Chik-fil-a. I brought my organic lunch. There were a ton of people there, supposedly because it's the suburbs so many of the families live out in the Cedar Hill area. It's a shame mothers submit their children to that food; but, after that, I submitted myself to some Braum's iced cream! I contradict like that. The Braum's we went to didn't have any entirely absurd photographs on the wall, which was too bad.
I utilized my texting ability to chat with Dandelion throughout the day. She said she didn't think I really understand her, though I may know her. I told her I will likely never know or understand her as she truly is, because we really can't know other people outside of ourselves. This is very different from my claims of wanting to figure her out when we first met. I'm not sure why the perspective changed. I've been feeling much more plateaued about our relationship, more calm and "hippie-ish" she might say. Of course, the waters may change, but I hope this feeling sticks around a bit - I think she prefers this mood.

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." -Whitman

Monday, July 26, 2010

Another Good Day at Work

Currently listening to:
Simon and Garfunkel

Today Ford Motor Company came to TRAC for some company retreat and after they left, they paid for all other visitors and hired a snow cone car to give out free refreshments.

Different sort of job during all of this; I was a model. All the interns dragged canoes and kayaks to the visible pond and paddled around from 10:30 to 1. I guess I can say I have "atmosphere" experience now. I didn't get sunburned and didn't get tipped into the pond by the young interns. I must have paddled incorrectly because the joint between my thumb and fingers got raw.

Then was lunch. Ford took over our kitchen and closets (they shoved chefs in the closet and had them chopping things), and once they were done eating we descended like locust. There was tons of vegetarian food this time, and we all got many boxes to take home. This turned out to be a good thing because I locked my car keys in the car. While I was emptying my pockets of things the pond might ruin, I set the keys on the driver seat and forgot them.
So, my mom and sister came and I showed them around and gave my mom a dinner she wouldn't have to cook. She gave me her key so I could have one in each pocket, in case it happens again.

Came home and showered at five. Something about the water on my raw thumb spots made them hurt very much. Sort of a stinging pain and a feeling that my skin was expanding and contracting again and again. It hurt, but I thought it was actually an
exquisite hurting, an artful pain; stinging without actually being serious. I don't know. I'll recognize it more in the future.

It's raining so I'm not going to class. I tagged Dandelion when I started writing, but I can't remember why; If I remember I'll comment it. She's just preoccupied lately. I hope we play tennis or watch my movie which came in.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tired Sundays

Currently listening to:
Heartbreak Warfare
John Mayer

Yep, very itchy. I think someone should make an irritation clinic that has a swimming pool filled with calamine. Mmmm..
Today my family and I drove to Fort Worth to get pickle barrels for my parents' rain collection system. While in town we ate at this Mexican restaurant that my parents like, but it gave me digestion issues. I just don't like that kind of food, I guess. After that we went to a cowgirl museum that had a Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit. It was neat, but I itched so much I couldn't concentrate on any of it.

Stopped at Verizon and decided to keep my phone for the next two years and get a new one before trying for the Peace Corps. I still have to buy a new battery, but I have unlimited texting! And it includes pictures messaging too!! This is exciting only because everyone texts instead of calling. Calling is kind of nervous anyway.

The interesting thing about texting is that once never really knows where they go or who gets it. The minute you hit "send" it's gone, no taking it back. Then is the wait for a response, a nervous wait of half fear/half regret. Until a response is received, I won't know who I'm talking to.
I was thinking about computers and how they are very human-like. I think I would like to write a short story on the topic in the style of Jerzy Kosingski, a very hard aim to accomplish.

I was also thinking it would be interesting to produce a CD of the daily sounds which surround an individual as they go about their day - specifically walking the entire day inside and outside and in elevators and in parks and so on.
"You don't want me to love you; all you want is for me to abandon myself to the dreams and fantasies which you inspire in me. All you want is to prolong this impulse, this moment."

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thick Sound

Currently listening to:
The Suburbs
Arcade Fire

I think my chigger bits might actually be poison ivy again. This would be the first time it has itched, though. It really itches.
Tonight, tonight, tonight. I went to the Lakewood Bar and Grill with Jonathan. The grill was closed so Jonathan didn't get any food and he couldn't do the bar because he corrected the doorman and said he was under twenty-one.

Why go to a bar? For the experience and to see a band.
I don't understand bars, they never have drink menus so I don't know names or prices; but they have every bottle of alcohol known to man.

The conversation went something like this:
Barmaid: I can't have minors at the bar.
[Jonathan scuttles away]
Me: I just turned twenty-one recently so I'm new to this. Give me the girliest drink you have.
Barmaid: Seriously?
Me: Well, uh, no.
Barmaid: Want a beer?
Me: No, I just drink alcohol. (oops, meant liquor) How about a mojito?
Barmaid: No.
Me: I'll take a margarita.
Then she explained that the bar keeps my card, sort of like a running tab or something. I'm not sure why.
So, I don't know why I couldn't get a mojito since that's a sort of mixed drink. I think I need to wikihow "getting your first drink at a bar" or just memorize a bunch of drink names. I should know what I'm doing in there.

Anyway, after I sufficiently embarrassed myself, I sat down for the real reason I was there: to hear Regatta de Faux. It's a Police cover band featuring my Brookhaven Composition professor, Hurshel Burton, and two other guys. Hurshel plays bass and does lead vocals, which Jonathan said is a weird combination. I bet no one else there knew Hurshel is an English PhD by day. As he said, "They just think it's another little black guy up there."


Some of that message in a boooootle.

Jonathan was having a blast.

We saw a lady who went between two guys, some weird love triangle. There was a long haired guy with a big beard who danced the whole time and it was funny watching people try to walk around him because of his erratic bobbing. There were barflies that couldn't get comfortable, so they moved from one side of the building to the other, constantly. A group for a bachelorette party showed up to claim their reserved tables. They screamed a lot and told each other to "shut up" in that friendly sort of way, all before their drinks ever showed up. It was kind of like a group of little girls somehow got into the place. I guess there's always one night where adults don't act their ages. Left me pretty confused.

After the set, Hurshel gave me a quick chat and said we should do sushi once more. I definitely think I'll message him about that before school starts!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Solo Adventure

After class, I experienced an encounter with a group of stargazers. They showed me the speck of Venus over the setting Sun which colored the painted clouds.

The abstract painting by the tree is gone. Someone else must have stolen it.

Safe as a Cootie Wootie With You

Currently listening to:
Hey, Bulldog

I was allowed to hang out with Dandelion last night, partly because I had to give her bread before it molded and learned to talk, if you know what I mean. She cleaned cameras and I maintained plants (she has one labeled "Johnny jump up" and I thought it was named after our mutualish friend; funny), and we discussed matters of the utmost importance, like paper globes and nursery rhymes. It was a good, quiet, tired hang out.

I thought about going to this street parallel to mine where Smokey Mountain was to take this abstract painting that's leaning against a tree in front of a mansion. Dandelion seemed to think it was still wanted, though it was left in the front yard, in the open. I ended up not getting it. I might try in a couple more days.
It would have been an interesting solo adventure which Dandelion says I should invest more time in. I need to figure out how to get in that mindset of childish action; I've got the imagination down. It's just more fun with another person, though.

I'm kind of silly sometimes and I forget and wonder if things are still the way they were a second ago. I swear I feel a change in the water occasionally, but maybe it's just my mind over-evaluating some little detail never before noticed. The mixtape is a good reminder of how things stand, so maybe if I get worked up I could listen to one or both together to put everything back in its place.
I just keep learning! I feel like Algernon.
I've been bitten up by chiggers from all the trail maintenance work. Supposedly they try to get you where you are hottest, so I've got some in my leg joints and through my socks and, of course, the groin. Mom said it would look weird if I went around scratching my groin all day, so I'm fighting the itch. Maybe I'll drive home in the nude again so I can scratch all the bites. Haha!
"'I am no king, and I am no lord,
And I am no soldier at arms,' said he.
'I'm none but a harper, and a very poor harper,
That am come hither to wed with ye.'

'If you were a lord, you should be my lord,
And the same if you were a thief,' said she.
'And if you are a harper, you shall be my harper,
For it makes no matter to me, to me,
For it makes no matter to me.'

'But what if it prove that I am no harper?
That I lied for your love most monstrously?'
'Why, then I'll teach you to play and sing,
For I dearly love a good harp,' said she."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Strangers in the Night

Currently listening to:
Strangers in the Night
Frank Sinatra

Slow day at work.

Strangers in the night exchanging glances
Wond'ring in the night
What were the chances we'd be sharing love
Before the night was through.

Something in your eyes was so inviting,
Something in you smile was so exciting,
Something in my heart,
Told me I must have you.

Strangers in the night, two lonely people
We were strangers in the night
Up to the moment
When we said our first hello.
Little did we know
Love was just a glance away,
A warm embracing dance away and -

Ever since that night we've been together.
Lovers at first sight, in love forever.
It turned out so right,
For strangers in the night.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I was a leader again, at work. After work my apathy level steadily rose. I think this happens after periods of stressful emotion, sort of a burn out, and I'm mellow. Maybe it's also like getting sick: you catch it and then you're immune from getting it again immediately. Interesting stuff.

So while I was busy not caring in math class, I kind of did this eye rolling head falling thing and I thought I might be in the process of fainting. I wish I had, the day would have been more interesting; though I would have to make up the math test, and I'm glad I got that out of the way. Hurrah for not fainting, then!

Today's thought features funeral processions because one passed me a couple weeks ago. I find it odd that someone's leftovers are carted in parade fashion, and that everyone seems to know to not drive passed it. No one worries about being late for work.
I know it's a respect deal, but then no one respects a vehicle carrying a piano. I see little difference in the remains of a tree and the remains of a human, except that the tree does even more after death. It's going to be weird when we run out of places to bury people.

I wonder when I'm going to run out of ideas to babble about.
-I've never met a tree I didn't like- (can't say that about many things in life)

Monday, July 19, 2010

People Mend

Currently listening to:
The Only Moment We Were Alone
Explosions in the Sky

Some brief thoughts,
I think I get why people are interested in religion, it's sort of a solidarity thing and maybe even an attempt at being humble. I'm not sure why there's a split where some people are stuck on the ideas and others live day to day without needing more than life and the world. I guess I'm biased, being one of the day to day people; with all my adventures and quests I just don't feel like I need anything more, something invisible.

Also, there seem to be more signs I'm still a child. I understand how clinginess in its degrees can be wearying, but there's a reason for it in its place. Everyone is a child at times, needing to be dependent, needing to hold onto the fabric of someone's shirt for safety, needing an accepting heart, a patient heart; just a heart large enough to take them in. In other shoes, who's to say what's justified? Those not possessing stolid hearts can't help the feelings that overflow; they love and weep and cast drama liberally because there is less harm in it, aside from bothering the adults.

When I was young, I thought I was lucky by avoiding the drama of school. Now I realize the meaning that was collected, squeezed from each of those moments. All those little romanticists running around, loving and weeping. I've become one of them too late; a wallflower that missed its season and bloomed in winter. Alone?

Waiting, Waiting

Today was the arranged day for Dandelion and me to hang out. She would like to play tennis and I would like to partner her, only she must wait for a call from her boyfriend. It's a complicated thing that I probably don't fully understand; it moves faster than me. Not much time left. I don't know...

But, on the other hand, here's something that I keep thinking about:

N: I love hippies; I wish I knew some.
D: Me too. I know one.
N: Really?
D: Yeah!
N: Where does he live?
D: Around here.
N: What does he do?
D: He walks on clouds and philosophizes and generally takes things slow. He has a big beard.
N: Will I meet him?
D: I think you know him.
N: Hmmm. How can this be? Are you friends with him on Facebook? Can I see him?
D: Hahaha.
N: Wait a second. It's me?!
D: Yeah.
N: Crap. I'm a hippie?

Well, I'm still optimistic. And still verging on clingy.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Rebekah is having some hard times, so I said "tender grasses will grow easily," which is a positive turn on a line from an Andrew Bird song.
"Thank you," she said, and I was surprised. The line is so ambiguous out of context; sure grasses will keep growing and replacing the dead. I guess I didn't expect it to be apparent and comforting, because I might not have immediately gotten it.
I don't know why it feels so weird to me all of the sudden.
Apparently squirrels will be having litters in a week. I assume it means the average majority of North American squirrels. That's for you, Jessica.

Tentative 'To Do'

Man, I really couldn't stay awake last night. My 8PM nap turned into 11PM sleep.
  1. Finish dandelion wine
  2. Go camping
  3. Go skinny dipping
  4. Have an unconventional picnic
  5. Play chess
  6. Bookstore shopping
  7. Bike Riding
  8. The fog field
  9. Photography
  10. Movie watching
  11. Sleepover
  12. See a new town
Ad infinitum.

There's not much time left: about less than a month...

"Would you always
Maybe sometimes
Make it easy
Take your time"

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Master Naturalist Field Trip

Currently reading:
The Last Unicorn
Peter Beagle

Last one!
So I drove all the way to a far end of Fort Worth, and I have to say it would have been near impossible without my sister's GPS unit. There's a lot to see in the nothingness of that part of Fort Worth, so it's nice not having to constantly read the MapQuest sheet; things like wild sunflowers growing from storm drains and unique local businesses.

We were there to see different aquatic ecosystems. First we went invertebrate sampling in a marsh which is what I do at work anyway. Then we went seining in a river, or maybe it was a creek. I hadn't brought extra clothes so I tried to stay dry, but the bottom was full of drops and I ended up swimming. After that, we went to a pseudo-lake for more swimming and seining.

Notes of interest:
Our guide sort of behaved and spoke in the same tone as Harrison Ford.

Swimming with a complete set of clothes on feels very strange, like there should be weight but there is none. The water is everywhere, in and around, and it pushes my clothes around like reeds. The clothes brush me and move away, creating a feeling like being in a crowded hall with people sliding by, barely touching. It's also like being given a light embrace, a watery hug.
I want to go skinny dipping.

To get between the various locations, all fifteen of us piled in the cab and bed of this
monster truck. I stayed in the bed every time because there's something about it that really gets me going. The wind whips around us as we push forward and yet we're just sitting. I think riding in the back combines the comfort of being still on a bench with the excitement of riding a motorcycle and having everything so immediate to you.
Then the surroundings are always opening up and folding back down as we drive, almost like turning the page of a pop-up book. The rides were very exciting for me.
I think my dying wish will be to ride in the bed of a truck one last time to see and feel it all.

During the entire six hour field trip, the only water I had was a little thermos I brought with my lunch. By the end of the day, the last truck ride, I felt very relaxed and dehydrated but cool because of the wind. I found specific things in the environment very fascinating and I kept staring at everything. The pop-up book perspective was even more exaggerated because of the lack of water. I'll have to look into experimenting with this type of altered consciousness some time.

Since I had no clothes to change into, I just stripped down and drove home. The car was actually much more comfortable without clothes on.

Got a call from Dandelion. We were both highway driving, except hers was empty. She said she would make a map of her hometown for when I'm able to go see it. I wish she could come and show me. I hope she has a fun adventure at the wedding tonight.

Parents are out of town until Tuesday night, so I've got the rest of the day to myself. Mom has been getting stressed over nothing (she actually said she didn't know why). Seems like every time I talk to her, she ends up raising her voice for some reason. I don't think she likes the way I speak.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Summer Camps are Over!

Currently listening to:
More Than This
Roxy Music

"Like a dream in the night
Who can say where we're going
No care in the world
Maybe I'm learning"
What a day at work. By the end of the day even the Education Coordinators, Z and Genna, were beat. I bet it's tough being a teacher and not getting a summer break. At least the week-long camps are done for.

Since it was Friday, morning food was brought in: doughnuts and breakfast tacos. I swear this job is tempting food-wise. Junk food was not in the job description! We probably need it, though, to put up with the children - the lesser of two evils - and I probably need it because I've stayed awake from 8AM to 1AM every day. Got to have 'me' time.Once the internship is complete I'll go back to my healthier bland diet.

We went canoeing today and either it was hotter than normal or the water reflected the light and gave me a double dose, or both. Luckily no one tipped their canoe, probably because we let them go swimming after a time.

My face was burning off my head! Out of the seven weeks I've been working at the center I've never had to use sunscreen before. I did today, but after I had gotten burned so it wasn't as effective. Genna was probably worried I would faint or something, so I was allowed to go inside the rest of the time.

During the break I got the chance to talk to Rebekah on Facebook chat; important only because she and I are rarely on at the same time. She wants me to write her another letter, only when I ask for one from her she refuses. I think it's weird to send two letters without having one from the other person between, only when the letters are asked for. I told her I'd think about it and I probably will write one. She said I was something along the lines of "soft," but I can't remember exactly what she said. I'm still going to wait a bit and maybe call her to see if I can get a letter out of her.

After that I gave a one-on-one hike to enthusiastic Olivia from my group. We saw an egret about twenty feet away. After that was the long draw toward traffic home. Now for night math. :[

Waiting on a call/text from Dandelion. Probably won't happen in time.... Yes! Got the call!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Confessions of a Teenage Summer

I skipped the last half of my math class to write and eat Wisconsin cheddar.

Can I Sleep Now?

Currently listening to:
Gray or Blue

In the center of this song is a stanza sung in vocals I can't understand and I hadn't thought to actually look it up until now:

Crazy eyes have you
Are they gray or blue?
I won't make the move
You must make the move
If you make the move
I will then approve
If you do not move
We will surely lose...

Interesting. It's like finding a secret track on a CD.

This other intern at work, named Andy, said he never feels hungry. If he eats some cereal for breakfast, he's good for the day; but when people around him say it's time for lunch or dinner, he goes along to eat because he likes food. However, if he doesn't eat breakfast he gets hungry around lunch or dinner time. Maybe if he didn't need to eat along with not feeling hungry, I might be jealous. As is, it's kind of scary to not be hungry: you never know when it is you need to eat or how much to eat. Yikes.

At lunch the children were very rowdy; it's getting harder to control them. I'm glad tomorrow is their last day.

All the good food has disappeared. I don't know where all that Panera and doughnuts and snack bars have gone, but all we have are the gallons and gallons of orange juice.. What I have noticed a lot of in both refrigerators is alcohol. There are bottles of vodka lying around, some without lids, and beer and stuff left over from whatever business meetings are booked at the center. On days like this where the units have been pilfered of everything good, all that's really left are old leftovers and the alcohol. I think it's quite a funny sight, sort of like saying, "see what the educators need to get through the day?"

I've noticed a lot more larger cars since I've been driving Aethon. This is probably because I've been so low to the ground all this time and only recognizable SUVs stand out, like Hummers (grr). Anyway, now that I'm at a higher viewpoint, the shapes are suddenly revealed to be neighbor large cars; and I have become another shape to the smaller cars. I bet the bigger cars think the smaller cars look up to and admire them, but it's really not true.

-Friends in places so high they can't be seen-

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

At the Trinity River Audubon Center

Currently listening to:

Today at work, I spent the first half of the day being a volunteer coordinator of a section of Bank of America volunteers. Apparently they have to do it and are paid for their time. I don't know who's running the banks while all these people are trimming grass and mulching. It also felt weird telling these older workplace people what to do; in fact, it was also weird seeing them outside of a bank - I think people can sometimes forget that those they get services from are people too. Maybe this is due to the short exposure we have of them.

Of course, corporate volunteers means a quality lunch. More lunches were delivered than the expected number of volunteers, and fewer volunteers arrived than were expected. So out of eight Panera Bread Co. vegetarian lunches, seven were left over. Yes! But the one I got had no chips, so I sneaked a nectarine and several donuts and bar foods away. Today was a cut-loose junk food sort of day. Also, they left about twenty gallons of orange juice at the center.

Later in the day, we took the children birding and one of the girls found a hummingbird (probably a ruby-throated hummingbird) sitting totally still on a branch almost at the top of a giant cottonwood. First of all, I don't know how she spotted something so small on a tree. Second, the find made me wonder about suggestion. She said "hummingbird" and I saw it instantly.
The same could go for puzzles or anything else, where a word or phrase suddenly brings everything into focus, or changes the focus.

The other question is if the hummingbird is even there, or anything else seen after someone points something out. We know a great many forms and those we don't know can be made by mixing the basic forms we do know. Seems to me anything is anywhere and everywhere under the right light, in the right situation.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

To New Beginnings

Currently Listening to:
In Between Days
The Cure


Once more I take up the art of blogging. After seeing my middle/high school LiveJournal again, the nostalgia of the mundane really hit me so I felt a strong inclination to begin again, for future reminiscence.

The progression I have noticed since the days of LiveJournal and Xanga (though they still exist so those days must still be happening for someone) is that the patience and sincerity of relating things has severely diminished. Myspace and Facebook have the option of blogging, but they really aren't set up for anything greater than spontaneous one-liner statuses. I guess most of the people from that older time are lazy or "have no time" to blog, though they have time to keep refreshing their Facebook page.. Anyway, I hope to regain something of that past here, on this platform new to me.

Gosh. I thought a lot about what I would say for my first entry, but all that's coming back to me is a vague summary. I think that's how it is with writers; that's why they always have a notepad on their respective body.
Well- I think it would be good to toss in a couple pictures:

My room, without all the sheets on, on a rainy day. You can't really tell but it was very green outside. All the plants were excited and radiant and their aura washed into the room and bounced off my bed sheet.

Here's my new old car: a 2004 Toyota Highlander. It's a smooth ride with average fuel efficiency. When the sun hits it, it looks a lot more gold-colored. I named it Aethon after one of the steeds that pulls Helios' chariot (the sun) across the sky. I bet Scott would like that.


Last night, Dandelion and I exchanged mix tapes. I love the familiarity and meaningfulness of hers. I hope mine met whatever expectations she had.

I also fully started my Summer II schedule. I work from 8-3:30 or so and have class after that until 8:10, then is homework. I'll find a way to fit in what's important.